• Fixes a very minor bug in System 6 which makes Text Press’s splash screen appear behind other windows under MultiFinder®.
Version 1.1:
• Now compatible with System 6 and higher (System 7 Savvy).
• More memory efficient.
• Reports errors with ID numbers.
• Displays watch cursor when converting documents.
• “Force key” for editable documents is now ‘E’ instead of ‘T’.
• ‘T’ for converting documents to TeachText type.
• Shift key to stay in Text Press.
• Small layout changes.
• Other minor changes.
• Includes this update info document.
• $10 required shareware fee if used other than for home use.
Version 1.0:
• Original release: Requires System 7.
• At Peace - Turns on and off the sounds in At Ease. Also lets you launch and quit At Ease, Finder, and other applications.
• Personal Bomb! - Fake bomb joke that displays a system error with your name on it.
• StackPacker - Compacts HyperCard® stacks in batches to save large amounts of disk space at once. Requires HyperCard® 2.0 or higher.
• Informer™ - If you are one of those people who leave their Macintosh® on for up to 24 hours a day, where much of the time it is left idle, you can put it to use by turning it into a voice message machine. With Informer™, you can leave voice messages for any co-worker and/or friend who have access to your Macintosh.
• Cloud Altitude - Calculates the probable altitude and types of clouds for any day.
• More to come…
All programs, including updates are available for ftp from most ftp sites (e.g. sumex-aim.stanford.edu), or directly from the author with a SASE.
Informer is a trademark of E. Kenji Takeuchi. Macintosh, MultiFinder and HyperCard are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.